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á grænu kaffihúsi í Ástralíu // on a green coffee shop

September 7, 2012

Its Friday, and I would love to end the week by going to a nice Coffe shop 
(see more coffee shops here)
það er föstudagur í dag og ég væri alveg til í að kíkja aðeins á kaffihús svona í vikulokin.

í Ástralíu er grænt kaffihús sem gaman er að skoða...
og þegar ég tala um grænt þá er það bæði skreytingarnar sem eru grænar, enda uppáhaldslitur 4 ára sonar eigendana og hér er allt endurrunnið eins og mögulegt er....
 og það er jú grænt ekki satt?
kíkjum aðeins á Lilos cafe og gefum þeim orðið:

"The first answer is green is their four-year-old sons favourite colour. 
Secondly, Maryke and Mark wanted Lilo to be as green as possible. 
They tried to recycle or salvage as many materials as possible so not to waste resources sourcing new items. The wood that forms the front window benches comes from an old breakwater across the road that was pulled out of the sea. The wood was approximately 100 years old and they are so proud to have salvaged it and restored it, giving it another life and purpose in their front window to rest your elbows on. 

Maryke has scoured the nearby Opportunity Shops, Antique Centres, garage sales and even the recycle centre at the local tip to find as many antiquated green items as possible.
Real silver forks and spoons have been sourced, scoured and polished to perfection and given another life on the tables of Lilo.
Old ladies 'pinnies' (green aprons) debut once again on the waitressing staff or adorn the walls.

Maryke now has a rack of vintage, preloved and recycled 'green' clothes down the back of the café that her customers enjoy finding a little treasure to wear or bestow. 

Thirdly they operate a waste wise business and recycle as much as possible. A local brings down a chook bucket for kitchen scraps every morning in return for beautiful free range eggs."

Skoðið fleyri kaffihús // See more coffee shops 

já allt er vænt sem vel er grænt...
eigið gleðilegann föstudag.

Kær kveðja
Stína Sæm

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2 comments on "á grænu kaffihúsi í Ástralíu // on a green coffee shop"
  1. ohh núna fæ ég "heimþrá".... ég bjó í Sydney í Ástralíu í 1 og hálft ár. Þetta er yndislegt land og mig langar svo að fara aftur.

  2. what a lovely place...wish I had something like that nearby!!!
    Have a lovely weekend!


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