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í Dublin, New Hampshire

March 12, 2012
Innlitið á þessum mánudegi er á undurfallegt heimili sem ég fann á siðunni New England Home og í þetta sinn læt ég hluta af textanum fylgja með.

The walls of  Nancy Ross´s  1847 farmhouse in  Dublin, New Hampshire,  are painted a gray but there’s no chill here, just serene simplicity. Room after room, gray walls and white slipcovered chairs make up her entire palette.
Accessories are treasured pieces in shades of gray as well. Hotel silver fills a corner cabinet in the living room, and mercury glass glints from the mantel. Lavender-filled sachets of gray linen in ironstone bowls are scattered in the rooms, wafting a summery scent of laundry on the line throughout the house

Serenity and order echo through the halls of the Dublin, New Hampshire, home in the waning days of winter

 Chairs in prim slipcovers surround the dining room's zinc-topped table.

An antique armoire hides today's modern technology in the TV room.

Designer/homeowner Nancy Ross collects German and English enamelware and old tin pieces.

The painted cabinet and ironstone are finds from a local antiques shop

Lavendar-filled pillows exude a relaxing scent

A narrow, steel-topped industrial bench is a perfect fit in the kitchen.

Benjamin Moore's Westcott Navy creates drama in the library.

 Collections of photographs, shells or old books--make pretty displays throughout the house

  The bookcases were designed to hold the treasured pair of corbels

An antique marble-top chest stands in for a vanity in the master bath

 A pillow covered in French fabric highlights a lazy spot in the master bedroom.

French fabric gives the illusion of a headboard in a guest bedroom.

A corner reading nook in a guest bedroom

Myndir og texti fengið hjá New England home

Ég veit ekki með ykkur en mér finst þetta heimili alveg einstaklega hlýlegt og kósý.
Væri til í að eyða nokkrum vikum þarna í sumarfríi... eða vetrarfrí kanski, hanga inni með bók og kaffi á meðan stormur lemur þetta gamla hús að utan. Fara svo á local antik markað og á kaffihús... virkar einhvernveginn þannig á mig :)

Stína Sæm

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